Här har du alla linnen i dammodell. När du ska på fest eller om du bara vill ha ett storpack med linnen så har du hittat helt rätt.
Here we have collected all our stylish vests. You will find everything from stylish tank tops with rock motifs to tank tops with a little extra details that can be perfect at parties or other events.
Linen works perfectly to wear under a top or other sweater, but also really good when you have a tank top with print as you do not want to hide the nice print. When it's time for a party, you have the perfect linen here with us.
We have some models that are extra long as many do not want a tank top to end at the waist but run more on the extra long tank tops that go down over the buttocks, so there is a lot to choose from here with us. But of course we have shorts that work similar to the belly shirt but without sleeves. It is you who chooses the style and maybe it is nicer with a short tank top sometimes. We have tried to find all possible different varieties to good quality and with a good price.
As you can see above, we have a lot of different models on our vests. There are a lot of lace in different places. Some have a lace all over the back which gives a wonderfully transparent feeling but at the same time dressed. There are also many different widths of the shoulder straps as some only have a thin fabric cord while others have wide shoulder straps and even with rivets. One thing that all our vests have is that they are of a very high quality, which we are very careful about here at Oddsailor.com.
The style of our vests is the same as we love tattoos and hard rock prints. All our vests have a cruel attitude and for you who like skulls, you will see that we really like these. There are not so many special band vests but a more rocking style overall.
When you go to a party, you of course have many choices here. If you want a really nice hard rock tank top, then of course there are several motifs and band tank tops here, but also more neutral ones that do not have a band affiliation but have the really nice look.
However, we have very many tank tops that are very suitable for parties as it can be tank tops with a nicely cut back, or other nice details that may be a little more discreet but that do very well and are suitable both for parties and maybe when you just have to away for dinner or the like. The linen is a very practical garment where you avoid sleeves and feel a little cooler but at the same time are dressed.